
Back to School: Part 1

Saturday, April 27, 2013 0 comments
For the next few months I am working on a special back to school project. Some of my friends have graciously allowed us to use their adorable kids as models. I will be using these photos to announce a Back to School photo special at the end of July. So keep your eyes peeled both here and on Facebook. You won't want to miss out on these great special offers. These little boys were so well behaved with everything I asked them to do. And as a result we got some great photos of them today. I want to thank Beth who helped me out today as my husband had to work. All in all it was a great day.

Thinking about his ABC's and 123s.


Checking out the bug on the stone path. Got to love inquisitive boys!

BUBBLES! I am not sure who had more fun here. The adults blowing the bubbles, me taking pictures of the kids with the bubbles, or the kids playing with the bubbles.

Fighting the bubbles. Wonder who is winning?

I just love the look of pure joy on his face. I can't wait to get to photograph these sweet boys again!

An Urban Shoot with Miss Emily

Friday, April 26, 2013 0 comments
I was looking for someone to model for me this morning so I could test out a few things. Emily was more than happy to help me out. I couldn't have asked for a prettier model today. Thanks! We will have to do this again when we have more time.

The B Family

Wednesday, April 24, 2013 0 comments

Saturday I met the B Family out at Oak Mountain State Park. We couldn't have asked for a better day for a photo shoot. Besides having a sweet little boy they also had three very energetic Siberian Huskies. We had a great time hanging out at the park and taking photos.

What a great family!
There was a neat petting farm at the park. So we took advantage of the different setting and took pictures in the barn area as well as.....

Out on the farm with the animals.

We then took the dogs for a walk as they had been so patient in the car while we were at the farm.

Too cute right?

And last but not least Rex came along with us too. He not only had his picture taken but he assisted us in helping take pictures. What a great friend! I am looking forward to seeing them again soon!

Prom 2013: Beth and Brandon

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 0 comments

Here is another sneak peak from our prom sessions. Aren't they a cute couple? Okay so I might be a bit biased as this is my step-son and his girlfriend. NAH! They are definitely a cute couple. We love you guys!

Prom 2013: Aaliyah and Michael

Monday, April 22, 2013 0 comments
It is almost the end of the school year and that means it is time for the big high school event of the year...PROM! I had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful young lady and her very handsome date on Saturday. Enjoy the sneak peak from their session.

Coming Out from Behind the Camera, Part 1

Thursday, April 11, 2013 1 comments

I have had a great time taking photos of some fabulous women this year. It is amazing to see them transform as they go to hair and make up, pick out there first outfit, and then slowly find their confidence as the shoot progresses. Then the reveal of their pictures is always an awesome experience. One client even cried as her slide show played. I just love being able to show them how beautiful they truly are, and in the process empower them to be feel better about themselves.

As I have been talking to more women I have realized the media has really created some serious body image problems among us. I will have to admit that I am like most women who do not enjoy having their picture taken.  When the camera comes out, I usually look the other way.  I am trying very hard to work through this phobia.  If I can overcome my fears, you can too! Over the next few months I will be posting a series of blogs showing me in different settings. My husband has agreed to help out on this project and has done a phenomenal job. :) For this first series I thought I would start out with some beauty shots taken in our studio. The next series will show pictures taken at Jasmine Hill Gardens, a beautiful venue we discovered in our area. The third will be a 1960's themed shoot. And the final shoot will be a surprise celebrating my 42nd birthday. It will be a themed shoot and I have decided to let my husband design the shoot for me.  All I can say is I am really excited about these shoots and facing my fears head on.

So without any further ado, here is my first shoot. Let me know what you think!